lia's blogs.

Welcome. Read on your own risk.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


So, basically I changed my email and with this thing requiring a gmail email it kind of has to change to. I mean its not that anybody ever reads this thing but... pretty much I'm starting another rambling site elsewhere but really strictly for English and then maybe in the future I can continue it more.

I'm sure the first part is familiar and all.
Check it out.
There's nothing really there yet though!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

School Has Started!

Hello my friends! So guess what? The first week of school is over. And the first day of the second week has begun today (wow that sounds kind of confusing.) Well anyways I don't think I have any pictures to post on here today... yeah not many interesting ones.

The first day of dancing has also begun too! I'm so excited. I love dancing soooo much. But it's going to be hard to juggle in with school with Pre-Calc and AP Human Geo and Biology those are the classes I am much worried about. On another note, I got 100 percent on the AP Human Geo test this Friday on all the countries in the world and where they are. So yay me! It was a 150 point test, so I do give myself some credit.

Pre-Calculus is so hard. Agh. Getting into the habit of math isn't turning out so well. I was determined to do good but in an class full of smart people not so much. I only took Algebra 2 cause my friends were taking it and so I can get ahead, but honestly, I'm really not that smart at all! I know, smart move. I just got done with pre-calc homework that was supposed to be EASY and I'm just staring at it not knowing what the heck and to top things off I got in trouble in Pre-Calc today! For not working hard enough. So I will be like Boxer from Animal Farm! I will work harder! And I'll keep doing it until you send me to a glue factory. Tehe. Oh yes, AND I fell down the stairs this morning. That's what started it all. I was walking down the stairs to grab my dad's laptop when suddenly kaboom I don't even know what happened! And I'm sliding down the stairs with my backpack on dragging me down and mind you I have HARD WOODEN stairs. It was not pleasant thank you very much. And then this morning we had the WORST AP Human Geography test that I completely failed miserably at. That teacher sure knows how to make people feel so good about themselves, stupid hard test. And then I got in trouble in Pre-Calc while not even understanding any of the information while it's supposed to be EASY. Gah. Today wasn't good. Though I did dance, that was good.

I'm going to start reading "The Tipping Point" its one of the insisted summer readings so I guess I'll read it, it might help me understand Geography more which I so happen to suck at. Well, I think that's all I have to say for now.
Clue in tomorrow for what I have to say! Not that it's interesting at all much haha.
Peace out.

Monday, August 18, 2008

ALPS Reunion!

So last Saturday we had an ALPS reunion for everybody who was in ALPS from grades 1-6. Not a lot of people went but it was nice seeing people I haven't seen for almost 3 years! I met some of my elementary rivals and enemies and guess that grudge is over haha, we're all such good friends now. I wish we could do this again! I'll post some pictures.

Me and my one of mah best frenns! She still goes to my school though =] Tehe.

Group Picture! Smile everybody!

Nick, Georgiy and Trevin!

Yes! Only girl on the roof! Climbing onto the pavilion roof was so much fun! Nick started doing cartwheel and it freaked me out and then Kelsey started getting all worried too. All the guys except me and Trevor jumped off the edge, we had to scoot off haha.

Good ol' Dallin taking a "dump" on the roof. Haha.

Trevor refused to get off the roof. He didn't know how. That was a site to see! Haha.

Nick wearing Jenny's stunna shades! Ooh smexy haha!

All in all it was a fantabulous day!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Guess Where This Blog is Coming From Again?

Yep. Where I work. Lovely, no? It's just that I'm such a great worker that they run out of things for me to do haha.

Anyway so everybody. I'm BACK. From Italy! Didn't you miss me? Haha I know you did. So don't even bother saying it. =]

My travels were amazing, I promise you I did not want to leave at all.
The cruise ship was sooo fun. I met lots of new friends. We were aboard the Noordam and just wow. I mean I've been on cruise ships before but really it was just amazing. Everything's All-Inclusive so everything really just free. You walk up ask for it and they give it to you! Pure enjoyment. And everything about Italy is just soo. Wow.

I'm really actually not supposed to be here... so I will rant later and give you FULL detail.

On another note I got a haircut today. It's brilliant and I love it. I got two inches off and a whole lotta hair. The lady thinned it out SOOO much. One pony tail is less than my old pig tail. It's real scary. I wonder what pigtail braids would look like haha. But it's good. Good for summer. =] And I love the bangs. They're side sweep bangs, medium. I love em!

Peace out for now then.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Italy - Say Hello to the Jessie!!

No Pictures Today

I normally have a lot of pictures, but I'm actually not posting from my laptop!! Gasp! No, I'm at work with my Aunt because my dad is making me work for my Italy trip (which I will rant about later) and here I am on the work laptop since everything I need to do is done and I don't leave for a while. Actually I wouldn't be on here except the work laptop blocks everything that amuses me. Like all emails are blocked except for the office email and YouTube and games and whatnot. And I was browsing and I was like hey they let me on this site! Pretty cool I know.

Play by Play?
Okay, so I decided since I don't have anything better to do I'm going to give you all a play by play of my missing blog days, sound fun? Read more.

9th Grade Lagoon!
Okay, so before school ended they had a day when all the 9th graders went to Lagoon. Kelsey, Jenny and me felt otherwise. As 8th graders we skipped school and went to Lagoon. Course the 9th graders objected but hey. It was pretty smoking. Haha. Yes. I just said smoking. The lines were okay, they were pretty long and it started raining and I didn't break a sweat shirt or any product of clothing that has the ability to sustain heat so I was pretty cold. But it was fun, it was for sure, a lot better than school! I also have some pictures from this day I'd like to post if I remember!

Last Day of School
So, on the very last day of school, June 4-5-6-7? One of those days, it was quite bittersweet. It was the last day of school, but it was the last day of school. I wouldn't be able to see some of my friends for a long time, but I deepened a friendship that brought new oppurtunities this summer. So what really happened? On the last day of school I invited Chelynn (I love you!) to hang at the mall with me afterwards since I just really didn't want the day to end. Sam (love you too!) joined us and we squished in the back of my aunt's car and drove to Fashion Place, so happens it Chey and Sam invited Aaron, Curtis and Savie (love you all!) and we spent pretty much the rest of the day at the mall messing around. And no, I did not buy anything. We all just became great friends.

End of School PARTY!
Okay, so Sam decided to throw an end of the year party and this consisted of many people and many new friends! I have some pictures that if I feel like I'll post later! Okay, so let's see who was there. Chey, Sam (fer sure), Leslie, Sedona, Alicia, Savie, Aaron, Curtis, Kenyan, Casey and there was someone else... his name started with a T? Anyway we started playing Truth or Dare and then, me, Aaron, Leslie and Curtis sneak off suddenly and go into an empty (well empty of normal things, filled to the brims with junk) room and sit in a circle and begin singing Kum-Ba-Ya and joining hands. It was pretty hilarious. And then suddenly everyone else comes into the room and Kenyan comes up to Leslie takes her arm and LICKS it. Yep. Me and Aaron fall on top of eachother laughing and I wish I had my camara to take a picture of Leslie's face although she would have made me delete it. That day was great we had soo much fun. We walked to Macey's and bought ice cream and it really couldn't have been better. Thanks Sam for throwing such an awesome party!

Lagoon Again? You betcha.
So for Aaron's birthday (Happy 14th!) he invited the lot of us to Lagoon! And wow. That was the best day too! I might have some pictures of Curtis, Aaron and Savie on Go-Karts I want to post up later too. Despise the fact that it was one of the hottest days in Utah, the lines were SHORT. We went on the Wicked 3 times and the Samurai twice. We'd only wait in line for 20-30 minutes for ones you normally wait 3 hours in! It was the best. We also met up with Ahrahka, Morgan and Stacie there and a lot of ditching and rejoining happene haha. The only downer was that all the wet rides were closed. This means that they closed down Rattlesnake Rapids and Cliffhanger. On the HOTTEST day. So instead we decided to go on the Log Flume. It was funny because normally when people go down the hill they produce a huge wave and it goes around them getting them somewhat wet. The heavier you are the bigger the wave, the more likely you are to get wet. Well Aaron and I went together for one and when we went down we didn't even make a wave. It was kind of pathetic really. But it was fun. During that line my Italy chocolate melted all over my bag and we went to Arby's to clean everything off it was so nice everybody helped!

River Rafting in Colorado!
So the very next day after Lagoon, me and my dearly beloved and still alive mother went to Colorado for some serious river rafting! We only knew one person in the group but we quickly made friends with everyone else. The drive was 4.5 hours long and honestly it killed me but I lived! We arrived roughly midnight at the camp. My mom and me slept in the car that night. The next morning we packed everything up again and put them on the boats and set for the rapids! We had water fights and wow. The water was COOOLD. The river was also going a lot faster than usual so we made it to the campsite in record time! We set up camp and hung around for a little bit, then we hiked up to the waterfall. It was beautiful! I spent a long time there just swimming. Then Mac, one of the 14 year old boys there (actually the only one) found a frog or toad thing. I kissed the frog but no luck this time. It was real cute though, we took a picture of one of the girls kissing the frog and then was replaced by her husband! Mucho cute! The next day (after torment of bugs, insects and heat) we packed up once again and headed for the RAPIDS! The water was going very very fast. During one of the fastest rapids (Skull) we went aorund 40-50 mph! I was up in the front with Brenda and Steve just diving head in from the waves, otherwise the boat would taco. The water was cold but it was soo much fun. I was holding onto my hat and sunglasses most of the time and sqealing my head off. Steve and Brenda were also just bailing the water out of the boat but really we were going so fast than usual that there wasn't any time and by the time we got out of the rapids the water was up to our knees. When the water calmed down me and Steve jumped into the water and let the boat pull us. Brenda fell in from "Rapid Dee" (She was pushed in by our boatsman :)) The water was soo cold and took a while to get used to but it was fun fun fun! Then we pulled up into the cliff jumping area. We would hike up onto a cliff and jump. The usual drop they said was 40 feet but because the water was so high it was only a 20 foot jump. I didn't jump because the current was so fast I would be washed away. And the water was really cold. But it was fun watching people jump. And watching Sarahi trying to jump. =] All in all it was a great 3 days. I want to do it again minus the bugs and heat!

Italy cries: Jessie we are ready for you!!
So guess where I'm going tomorrow? Yep. You guessed it. Italy baby. And I won't be coming back for 10 days. I will be on a 7 day cruise and then 3 days in Rome. (Aaron- Curtis - I know, you hate me and are mucho jealous) I'm going to be going to Florence, Pisa, Cicily all those major cities (Naples, Livorno) I'm soo excited. And then ROME! I want to go to the Collesseum (spelling) and just take pictures everywhere! You will most definitely hear from me when I get back. Why not during the trip? Because internet is quite expensive on the boat and in the hotel (go for 10 dollars a day) and why not texting? Because even though I have unlimited texting its 35 cents per outgoing text! And 5 dollars per each minute. That means a 5 minute conversation would sum up to 25 dollars. Think of what I could buy with that! So I'll be back friends, with sunburns, pictures and experience. If you guys want to keep in touch with me I can email from my dads email, just tell me if you want to. If you do keep in touch with me during my travels though its more likely you'll get a souveneir haha. I love you all. And I'll see you again in 10-11 days.
Ciao America!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Okay. More flowers if you haven't gotten bored yet. If you dont' know what's going on, scroll down!

Tree. With a shine. I loves those things. =]

Inside of a flower with some of the petals.

And another one. (This is for your Rachel)

I call this picture "Out of Proportion"
There's a huge lamp. Huge tree. And over grown flowers. =]

And just another picture of a spider web over some leave/vines.
Hope you enjoy.
That's it for today.
Peace out.

More flowers cause the file is too big

A little flower with a bug on it! I didn't even realize there was a bug on it until I was taking a picture of the other flowers besides it.

I made one of those bird houses. It's just a little pretty scene =]

A flower with it's buds. Tehe. Buds.

This blue flower took me forever to take. I have like zillions of pictures of it cause at first it wouldn't focus right, and then I kept moving my hand when I took it so it would be all blurry and then when I did hold it still it would be off center. This flower is about the size of half a thumb nail. Or maybe the size of your ring finger nail.

Same as above for the blue flower.

I'll post more later. The files are just huge and I'm much lazy. Don't feel like waiting if you know what I mean.